Ulster Aviation Society has an interesting collection of eleven aircraft in a hangar in Long Kesh. She began the restoration of a building in Belfast English Electric Canberra PR9. Finally, the plane to meet with demonstrations, tours and an educational DVD to this part of the history of Northern Ireland are used to describe.
Of course, this system of funding is always a challenge, and that is why we welcome the Ulster Aviation Society a grant of £ 50,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund will receive.
Several organizations, including the Heritage Lottery Fund, cultural and historical projects that help distribute the money from the National Lottery in the UK is. The Heritage Lottery Fund was established at the same time as the draft lottery in the United Kingdom in 1994 and has distributed more than 33,900 pounds 4.4 billion in the UK regime.
Between the city of Londonderry and the Sperrin Mountains in Northern Ireland is beautifully wooded valley Faughan. The Heritage Lottery Fund is about to 1.2 million in a joint project between the City of Derry, the Woodland Trust and the Rural Partnership in Derry (RAPID) to restore ancient forests are local people. Initiatives planned for weeks walking festivals rural heritage, training and visits to craft wood.
The representative of the Woodland Trust, the brain Poots said: “We are delighted that the support of the Fund Heritage Lottery through our joint efforts, we can make a positive and lasting contribution to the beautiful valley Faughan obtained This is a good news for the country., animals and people. ”
Clearly, the Heritage Lottery Fund not withdraw funds from the UK lottery wisely. For this reason it is a good message is heard, since the income of the UK National Lottery, has also increased its budget. The Fund will be an extra £ 25 million years is more than £ 180 million has been allocated annually distribute.
The Heritage Lottery Fund supports great causes funded by the contraction in the UK and recent growth performance has increased, providing more historic buildings, libraries, museums and conservation projects are funded through the years. If lottery winners will be drawn every week all the benefits of the UK.